Careers in graphic design are expected to be one of the largest and fastest growing job markets through 2014. Graphic design, designing websites and computer animation are going to be careers which most people would choose. Competition will continue to be steep, even though many jobs are available for someone pursuing a career in computer graphic design. Some people love it as a career, for others purely as a hobby while some may like to use it as a part time freelancing tool. A four year college degree or a Bachelors Degree is sufficient to become a computer graphic designer. For getting some technical positions, you need only two years college degree or Associates Degree. This type of career can not move forward unless you get further education. It is important to understand the need for formal education if you want to pursue a career in this field.
About thirty percent of those in a computer graphic design career work independently as freelancers. Nearly half of all freelancers hold regular jobs in either computer graphics or some computer related jobs.Freelancing is a good option in this career since there would always be demand from smaller firms for a computer graphic designer.
There are many other careers in computer graphic design. What are the other career options you have? Although not wide enough in terms of variety, a career in a small or large specialist company may throw up a steady stream of work. To keep your clients happy and get involved in new projects, you have to show them that you work hard.
A college degree, a burning ambition and a thorough knowledge of where you wish to go are not adequate if you wish to take this up as a career option. You must develop the art of using computer graphic software as well as other computer related jobs. You need to make a portfolio which is a collection of some of your best work. The quality of the contents of your portfolio would subsequently decide whether you would get assignments or would still be waiting for something to crop up.
As soon as you finish your college and have made up your mind as to what you want to do, your aim should be to get that first entry level job. Where can you get computer graphic design jobs? If you are looking for opportunities as a freelancer, then look through online job boards, classified ads as well as job for hire boards. Work for hire boards? Wish you good luck and better fortunes as you pursue a graphic design career.
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10X, nice to hear that.