Autodesk 3ds Max 2010 with more than 100 new modeling features – new Ribbon :D
Today I received a mail from GFXElite forum because I have not been there for a long time, and I clicked on link to see what is new there, and have something to see. New 3ds Max is coming out, and it`s very exciting … It has “new interface”, they have added the new ribbon, just like all modern programs have it today, MS Office 2007, O&O Defrag and so on, and so fort. The new version is 3ds max 2010. But that`s not all, they added Polyboost into their set of tools integrated. I was so surprised that I had to wright this article. You can see on the screenshots the new GUI, and if you follow the link, you can see the page with what`s new with videos showing new features … So go ahead and see it for yourself (more…)
12 Long-Exposure & Time-Lapse Photographers | WebUrbanist
12 Long-Exposure & Time-Lapse Photographers | WebUrbanist.
Long exposures are very impressive when they are done on some very ordinary scenes … see for yourself.